Saturday, May 5, 2007

Heads Up..!! Doom day is coming..!!

Somehow grey cells got electrified in wrong directions. I am thinking about the end of the world.
How will that be? will it be a nuclear war of an extra terrestrial attack? How about a comet bombardment? Well what is the point? However it comes up, let it come fast, what is the point in waiting? Doom is what I want to see, and I want to see it fast.
Well, assuming that it's due, and is about to happen in another 5 hours, what am I going to do? well its almost 2AM here. what can I do. Declare war aginst all those German prilosophers? Resume the Hitchhiker's guide to Galaxy? Now there will not be any Indian restaurents open where I can get sambhar-idily or any other deadly combimation from the extensive mouth-watering menu from my home town. Surely I dont want to call up my dad and mom and let them know the bad news. But surely I will call them to here their voice for a last time. Same with my sister too. And my friends too. How many of them will I call? lots are they and limited is my hours.
I will surely get confused.. Confusion is like a mega serial. it simply kills my time. I dont have much of it now. So I might choose to stop thinking about it and .. well how about just smashing my BlackBerry on the floor? I always wanted to see the inner part.. may be the monster tv too. I wanted to figure out what makes it so useless, which part is missing which gives it the power to have multiple channels...
I am playing paranoid almost everyday now and wanted to cross 10000. that is someting pending too..
well lot of stuff to do. first and best of all, I guess I have to sleep. 5 hours? enough time. good idea. I will think about this later..