Saturday, February 17, 2007

Oldest new thing and Latest new thning

What is the oldeset new thing that I can remember? I am tryign to recollect it..Hmm tough job. all the data goes back to the monstor days and almost everyting was new. I remember getting new toys ( not much of plastic, though. We 'invented' most of them - ) new friends, new vehicles on the road ( I still remember seeing the ponthan lorry, a lorry which can push its loading part to a slanted position so unload easily. I wanted to be its driver), new dress ... everything was new...
Now i am old enough to lose the fragrance of freshness in new things. I bought a watch today for my sister, well its new. looks good, she will like it. happy. and I am sending someting to my sister from overseas, well that is also something new, well...
there is a difference. I have lost the freshness of new. New is not new any more. Its all old...
My sister sent me a poem (to make her happy, i will abase the word 'poem' a little bit(I dont understand this. If I found someone close enough doing something good enough to appreciate, the fastest way of execution i can think of is to make fun of him/er(may be i am an idiot(company standards wont allow more than 3 nested levels. My thought process usually breaks down before startng the second one, can bloger handle this(?))))) one in my mother toung. about childhood and all that light and warm water. well it was indeed a good poem but..
what is new in it? I have read many by her already in with similar arguments. childhood was a good itme and we are all screwed up now. this is the generic summary of all her poems. what is new in it?

Well what is there in a new thing? its all the same after some times..

everything and anything in life is negligible that you can simply ignore it. Death is the end which we dont want or can not escape from. Everything else that we lose or gain is just nothing..Whatever we do we end up the same place..

I heard this idea again after a long time, recently. I have heard it before. I have been chasing death for some time.
and I had found that everything in life should be so important that you can readily die for it. Just the other way around....

and the latest old thing is that I am getting over the past now. slowly, but surely. Is it anything new?

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